Accelerate software delivery in every corner of your business

Accelerate software delivery in every corner of your business

Accelerate software delivery in every corner of your business

We're a small freelance collective that has built scalable systems for over 30 years collectively. Our background spans CTO positions, research, AI, math and physics.

We operate as individuals in your engineering team but also as a standalone team delivering an entire product, feature or service.

We can jump in, get up to speed and deliver results in a heartbeat.

The builders

  • Zowie has been a CTO for a decade now, among many adventures, he's built systems that traded millions of euros, and coded a platform to help millions of people with voting. Zowie is extremely versatile in everything tech. Also a digital nomad (homeless). Read more.

  • Scott, next to having nearly the highest possible score for his study of Math & Physics (NYU and Stanford), is ridiculously good at solving complex problems in a variety of languages. All while being a 'gezellige' team player. Has specialized in DeFi/fintech the last 2 years. Also boasts high standards when it comes to food.

  • Stan Schalij built the largest entrepreneurial community in the Netherlands and ran several startups while doing so. A true all rounder spanning operations, community, scripting and strategy. Has consulted politicians and institutions, next to building startups. Known for his hands on approach and world famous Dutch directness.



The Next Web



Kamer van Koophandel

Young Creators

The builders

  • Zowie has been a CTO for a decade now, among many adventures, he's built systems that traded millions of euros, and coded a platform to help millions of people with voting. Zowie is extremely versatile in everything tech. Also a digital nomad (homeless). Read more.

  • Scott, next to having nearly the highest possible score for his study of Math & Physics (NYU and Stanford), is ridiculously good at solving complex problems in a variety of languages. All while being a 'gezellige' team player. Has specialized in DeFi/fintech the last 2 years. Also boasts high standards when it comes to food.

  • Stan Schalij built the largest entrepreneurial community in the Netherlands and ran several startups while doing so. A true all rounder spanning operations, community, scripting and strategy. Has consulted politicians and institutions, next to building startups. Known for his hands on approach and world famous Dutch directness.